November Student of the Month

November 4, 2021

November Student of the Month

Josie Hildreth

It’s hard to miss Josie Hildreth when attending events at Ogden High School so it is no surprise she is our November student of the month. She is involved in a number of different activities that show her dedication and drive.  Her presence is felt throughout the music department as a member of  Show Choir, Mixed Choir, Chamber Choir, Musical Theater, Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Pep Band. She has served on the leadership team for marching band as drum major, woodwind captain, section leader, and uniform captain. Having performed several solos and been a member of countless ensembles, Josie has received numerous Division 1 ratings at IHSMA state music contests. Music isn’t the only area of fine arts that Josie shines in, she has been involved in individual and group speech throughout her high school career. Josie also shares her athletic talents on the volleyball and track teams.

Leadership is a strength that Josie continues to cultivate. She is part of the Student Activity Advisory Committee where she provides feedback on the student experience and works to consistently improve our culture. You can find her leading the senior class as senior class president and working on service projects as a member of the National Honor Society.  She plays a vital role on the student council where most recently, she took the reins of the Art Camp affiliated with the Herbert Hoover Museum. Over the past two years, Josie has worked to find activities to lift the spirits of fellow Bulldogs. Despite the challenges of the past two years, she has found creative ways to cultivate an environment that encourages connections. Through it all, Josie has kept a smile on her face and a positive attitude.

It is obvious that Josie is busy but she excels at managing her time and bringing her best self to every situation. She is a hard-working, conscientious student who holds high expectations for herself and is willing to serve others. She volunteers her time with the Boone Railroad where she has read stories to children. This is just one example of her willingness to serve others. Her kindness to others makes the OHS community a better place. Her authenticity makes her a joy to be around.

All of these activities allow the best parts of Josie’s personality to shine through. She is a wonderful role model and the epitome of what it means to be an OHS Bulldog. We are so thankful for the November Student of the Month, Josie Hildreth.

Josie is the daughter of Tony and Shelby Hildreth and has one older brother, Jacob.  You can find her in the aisles at Fareway where she works part time.  Her future plans include pursuing a degree in history or political science at Lindenwood University or Drake University.

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